Std3 Maths Test 3

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble.Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Solve the following equation

1. 16 + 5 =              2. 19 + 6 =
3. 18 + 9 =              4. 14 - 4 =
5. 23 - 5 =              6. 25 - 7 =

Which number comes before...

6. 99              7. 45

8. 502 has Units

Write the following as digits

9. 9 Units =              1 Ten =              Hundred =

Which is the correct symbol to use
> = <
10. 9+ 1 20              11. 15 8+5              12. 30-5 14

Write the number in words
13. 162 :              14. 408 :
What is the place value of 4
15. 640 =              16. 354 =              17. 472 =
Problem Solving
18. Bame has 26 dogs and 32 cats.How many pets does he have? =
19. I had 45 chocolates,i lost 20.How many chocolates am i left with?
20. In a garage ,there are 27 trucks and 50 cars.How many vehicles are there all together?
21. Tefo has 134 colours.Sam gave him 24 more, hw many colours does Tefo have now?
22. Substract 140 from 295 =
23. The sum of 205 and 73 =