Std5 Maths Test 2

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble.Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
1. Write the value of 5 in 15 734 =
2. 3 015 in words is
3. 15 208 in expanded notation is + + +
4. List down multiples of 4 from 20 up to 40. i)          ii)          iii)          iv)          v)          vi)  
5. Round off 999 to the nearest
a.10 =
b. 100 =
c. 1000 =
6. 876 ÷ 4 =
7. Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides 7cm, 8cm and 5cm. Perimeter is cm
8. 13÷10 =
9. 3/9 as a fraction in its lowest terms is
10. Multiply by 3 to find an equivalent fraction to 3/4 is
11. i)  7m = cm        ii)  25mm = cm
Do your workings in a paper then put the correct answer in the boxes

12. A woman gave 0.9 of her money to her 3 children. How much did each child get? Each child get
13. Peter bought 4 pairs of shoes at a total cost of P600.00. What was the cost of each pair? They cost P
14. There are 42 children in a class. If 1/3 of them are girls, how many girls are there in the class? There are girls.
15. In a primary school there are 28 classes. If each class has 25 children, how many children are there in the school? There are children.
16. How may 50thebe coins make P4,50? There are 50thebe coins.
17. Mr Molefe had P7 000. He bought a television for P2 300 and a radio at P1 599. What was his change? P
18. What is the perimeter of a square with sides 7cm? The perimeter is cm
19. How many cm are in 220mm? They are cm
20.Work out using long division 605÷3. The answer is reminder